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We have many of international DJs and we are looking for.

We accept any age, nationality and gender ( LGBTQ+ ).

Those who wish to belong will only be those who can protect this our rules.

<3rUles >

① DJ skill : More than Standards recognized by us.

② Cooperative behavior: We need your announcements and attracting customers.

Time : Every DJ are staining in the club you djing from the start to the end of the party, so cannot get out while the party.

IF you are able to...

Ⅰ■ Name


Ⅲ■  Mix / Portfolio (60minutes)

Ⅳ■ Instagram (SNS) Account ID

Ⅴ■  Comment and Passion

Please contact this e-mail address with the aboveⅠto Ⅴ.


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Tik Tok Management

Partnered with Vision8, which has a direct contract with TikTok, as an authorized distributor

We manage and train TikToker.

There are also events that gather artists who have the ability to communicate with us.It is scheduled to be held in the future.



I want to be famous

Want to be famous.

I want to become famous and increase the range of my work both at home and abroad.​I want to take on more challenges.

I want to do my best to find a specific way to become famous through my own efforts.

​I want to become fomous for gettig more good work in Japan and worldwide. I am searching for the way to become famous.



I want to increase the number of followers

Want to be an influencer.

​An era where the number of followers and fans is questioned. To the standards of those who sell well-known.

​​SNS and real, I want to increase the number of fans.

Nowadays, the number of followers leads to work. So want to get more fans both SNS and real events.


I want to share expressions

Want you know my expression

Although I have actually expressed

I couldn't express myself.

I want to be brave and express myself.

​Does what I can do affect someone?

I want to try.

I've been something inside me that I want to express, but I had been unable to express it until now.

I want to express myself with courage now!I want to try to see wether I can make an impression on someone/

By TikTok Agency
of management
​ about the benefits.


What are the benefits
of TicTok management?

1 Easy to become famous

 It will be easier to be published in the recommended column.

​ Only creators with 500 or more followersbeing released

 Live permission can be obtained (*Required conditions apply)

2 in the live streamfan&

 Increased number of followers during live performances (other SNSs are also increasing)

A realistic fan who likes to express himself(easy to notify)

 It also leads to the acquisition of corporate projectsprone to

* Delivery advice is also possible​ 

3 weeklyIntroducing hot sound sources that are easy to recommend

 Increase your exposure through live streaming and postingpalm, cognitive enhancement,

 To increase the number of followers and fans

4 It is also possible to ask consultants to advise on direction such as branding


*A separate fee will be charged for the overall branding consultation.

5 No cost for one year old

 *All the gifts that creators received from viewers belong to everyone.


1 Easy to become famous.

 It will be easier to be posted in the recommended lists than doing yourself.

​ Live permission is released from 500 followers with prerequisites.

2 Easy to lead fans and job opportunities on Live.

Increased number of followers while live and other SNS also (Up to you).

 Get to real fans who like your expressions.(Easy to announce you want to tell.)

 Easy to connect to corporate projects and events.

*You can get some advices if you want to know.

3 Know to songs your accout can be​easy to approach

 "Live and Post" are good synergy for increaseg your fans.

4 You are able to ask a consultant to advise on direction such as branding

     Free consultation on the direction of TicTok

  *Additional fee will be charged for the overall branding consultation.

5 Free for the agent contract

 ※All gifts that creators receive from viewers are yours.


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